Stepping Stones Curriculum

What we teach our community

We believe in the extraordinary potentials of children and the importance of providing children with a ‘hundred languages’ to share their thinking of the world around them.

~ Stepping Stones Philosophy


  • A play-based program that considers each child’s individual interests and development.
  • An emergent curriculum that is driven by spontaneous play and exploration.
  • Play-based learning experiences that inspire children to explore and discover.


  • Environments that serve as a ‘third teacher’ and hold the potential to influence what and how children learn.
  • Learning environments that provide relevant opportunities for children to explore their interests.
  • Rich and varied environments that support children’s learning and development
  • Positive physical spaces that allow children to grow and develop through experiences, colours and textures.
  • Well-planned, comfortable spaces that allow children to develop socially, emotionally and physically.


  • Educational programs that encourage social and emotional understanding and expression.
  • Routines that support social competency, confidence and independence.
  • Learning environments that support play and allow children to express emotions while cultivating empathy.
  • Opportunities for children to learn valuable social abilities like collaboration, communication, problem-solving skills and teamwork through planned experiences and routines.


  • Educational programs that encourage linguistic and cognitive understanding and expression.
  • Learning environments and experiences that support linguistic and cognitive growth.
  • Routines and transitions that promote cognitive development by providing children with choices that prompt them to make thoughtful decisions.

for School

  • Educational program is seamlessly integrated into our care setting.
  • Tailored program to meet children’s individual needs, allowing them to progress towards the Learning Outcomes in different yet equally meaningful ways.
  • Program that strives to strengthen school readiness skills such as self-care, attention and concentration, physical skills, emotional regulation, and language, play and social skills.
  • Program that provides children with opportunities to shape their evolving knowledge, skills and abilities, facilitating experiences where children can reach their full potential.
  • Preparation for School journals that document each child’s individual learning journey and are filled with a collection of work samples and learning experiences.


  • Tailored programs that are responsive to each child’s individual needs, interests and abilities.
  • Collaborative goal setting with families to support individualised outcomes.
  • Emergent curriculum that is child-led and educator-framed, where educators observe and take into account individual interests, understandings, and aspirations when planning experiences and environments.